Tailored for Small (1 or 2 Truck) HWE
Carpet Cleaning Businesses
Let's Revolutionize Carpet Cleaner's Marketing.
What's this all about? (coming Fall of 2024)My name is Mike Murphy. I've been working with small individual carpet cleaning business owners for about two decades. I met Steve Marsh over 20 years ago, and I worked with him on his Be Competition Free™ and Single Truck Success™ programs.
Things have really changed in the last decade.
This website is the future home of Owner-Operators FIRST! — an organization that is dedicated to owner operator's success through a very special process I call "SEO to Super Bowl."
I'm being vague on purpose. The program details will be given to pre-launch members now (by invitation only). And more details will be given after the program launches in late 2024.
Through a step-by-step progression of low-investment strategies in the online world — websites, social media, SEO, advertising, and much more — I believe this program will revolutionize the carpet cleaning industry, and the cost to you will be less than half of what most digital marketers change for SEO alone.
We believe that Owner Operators should be placed in superior marketing positions over all other carpet cleaning business models.
Step ONE is a small investment in time and money — Only about $35 and about 35 minutes of your time each month.
Step TEN is a Super Bowl Commercial. But that's a little ways off.
For a small investment in time and money each month, we can collectively grow our rankings in Google, helping each other out as a proud group of entrepreneurs and top expert carpet cleaners, and create a demand for better carpet cleaning. We can also have videos, magazines, more powerful SEO for far less of an investment, artwork ... luxuries that only bigger companies have.